Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Investing Without Fear - Thinking Without Fear

Source: Milliaonaire Real Estate Investor by Gary Keller

Intersestingly enough, one of the big obstacles for most people who want to Think Action is that they set out actually to take action, they cannot Think Without Fear. They start to move forward, stumble into some obstacles, and find themselves paralyzed into inaction by the specter of failure. And then fear of failure itself becomes our primary fear. It can be arresting. It can stop anyone in their tracks. When you begin to focus on the fear of fairure, you're cooked. When you can't see the possibilities for and the potential rewards of success because the fear of fairure has blinded you, it is time to stop for a moment and reflect.

If you are a possibility thinker, that means you believe you can do this - it is possible. But to "do something." You'll have to take action. If you take action, you will most certainly make some mistakes or fall short of the initial progress you'd hope for. To rephase the popular bumper sticker: SETBACKS HAPPEN.

The good news is that setbacks along the way do not represent total failure and should never get in your way unless you allow them. Think progress, these momentary setbacks can even represent positives, such as learning opportunities. So never let failure freeze you into inaction - very little good can happen when you're not acting at all.

Ironically, for some people fear of failure actually motivates them to take decisive action that's a good thing. It can never be a part of their Big why. Many high achievers have reached for their potential simply because they could not tolerate the thought of the alternative.

Look, we all have our share of failed attempts. It is really a matter of how we view them. Failed attempts are not a failure, so never fear the attempt itself. And keep trying! Charles Kettering warns us of this when he writes, "The only time you can't afford to fail is the last time you try."

Having a Big Why will help you focus on what the Millionaire Real Estate Investor usally has going for him - the power and motivation that comes when you're greatest fear is not reaching your goal. This allows him to slough off setbacks as they go without ever losing his faith or his momentum. He fears ultimate fairure but is indomitable in the face of intermittent failure. Top investor's persevere through the "failures along the way" so that they do not fail at the end of the day.

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Why Invest in Real Estate?

Why Invest in Real Estate?

Source: Real Estate Riches - Dolf De Roos, Ph.D.

Why property is so much better than other investments?
  • You do not need much of the purchase price in cash to buy a property.
  • You can buy many more dollars' woth of property more than you are paying for.
  • You can massively increase the value of a property without spending much money.
  • You do not need to sell a property to reap the benefits of any growth.
  • You do not need to sell a property to reap the benefits of any growth.
  • You do not need to monitor your properties from the moment to moment like a hawk.
  • Property prices tend to increase relatively smoothly and consistently.
  • The fluctuations of any one property relative to the national average are very low.
  • It is incredibly simple to do better than the national average for property.
  • It is the simplest, most reliable, and most consistent vechicle known to convert even a little financial intelligence into a lot of cold, hard cash.... Why Invest in Real Estate? Why Invest in Real Estate? Why Invest in Real Estate? Why Invest in Real Estate? Why Invest in Real Estate?

Monday, August 29, 2005

The Four Stages of Growth on The Path to a Million

The Four Stages of Growth on The Path to a Million
Source: The Millionaire Real Estate Investor by Gary Keller

The path of the millionaire Real Estate Investor is a progression through four stages. First, you must learn to THINK a Million (think like a millionaire Real Estate Investor) before you make your first move. How you think matters. Whether this strikes you as a cliche' or as a timeless truth, my experience has taught me that the bigger I think, the more I can accomplish. I've learned that what I hold in my mind is what shows up in my life. Learning to think like a millionaire Real Estate Investor will give you the greatest chance of becoming one.

The next step is to BUY a Million, in which you'll get a through understanding of the best models for investing in real estate and, more fundamentally, an understanding of money: the ways it is made and the ways it is lost. The goal is to equip you with the working models you need to purchase investment properties with the market value of a million dollars or more. Believe it or not, this is not the huge leap you might imagine, and many investors reach this mark long before they ever expected they would. Buy a Million is about the fundamentals of acuiring properties, holding them, and in some cases selling them. Buy a Million applies the power of Criteria, Terms, and Network to launch your career in investing.

After you Buy a Million, you'll set your sights on having an equity position of a million dollars or more in your properties. We call this stage OWN a Million. This is when you will realize that the investing you have done has blossomed into a bona fide business. With that transformation come a set of issues specific to that level of ownership. Acquiring properties through credit potentially becomes more difficult, cash flow with asset or equity buildup. It may involve selling, tradingup, or exchanging. It certainly involves understanding the surprisingly simple realities of tax and ownership entity issues. The good news is that by now understanding these issues from the beginning you can plan from them.

The last stage of growth for a Millionaire Real Estate Investor is RECEIVE a Million. Think of it as the summit, a place where only the best have gone. Receive a Million is when you are in a position to receive an annual income of a million dollars from your investments. Pivotal to this stage is that your investment business de designed so that you can choose to get out of the- day-today work and enjoy the benefits of what you've created. Although you can step out at any point along the way, it is my hope that you will set your sights on a big goal... The Path to a Million The Path to a Million The Path to a Million The Path to a Million The Path to a Million The Path to a Million

Velocity of Money

Velocity of Money

Source: Rich Dad's, Robert Kiyosaki

Professional investor's who want to accelerate retirns understand the benefits of using other peoples money (OPM). The common source is the banks' or other investors' money and both want to accelerate the velocity of their money. They do not leave the money parked on the table.

The professional investor follows the following formula:
  1. Invest money into an assett.
  2. Get the original investment money back.
  3. But keep control of the original asset.
  4. Move money into a new asset.
  5. Get investment money back.
  6. Repeat the process.
This process is called the velocity of money. Financial institutions understand how important it is to expand their money supply in order to increase their earning power. Most investors do not realize they too can expand their own money supply and thereby expand their earning power. Financial institutions do this by making their money move. The more times a dollar moves, the greater the money supply and the greater their earning power of that dollar. Velocity of Money Velocity of Money Velocity of Money Velocity of Money Velocity of Money Velocity of Money Velocity of Money Velocity of Money

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

2005 Profile of Second-Home Buyers

2005 Profile of Second-Home Buyers
Source: National Association of Realtors


The Reasons for Purchasing a Second-Home Vary Greatly Common Motives include the desire for a vacation getaway, rental income, and increased portfollio diversification. But the ways in which second-home buyers search and purchase that additional property vary less. The overwhelming majority of second-home buyers use a real estate professional to assist them in their purchase. Second-home buyers are, by definition, experienced home purchasers, so they reconize the advantages of using a real estate professional for their home purchase.

Second-home buyers can be divided generally into two groups - those who purchase investment properties and those who purchase vacation homes. There are numerious differances between these two groups of second-home buyers. Vacation-home buyers typically spend more on their purchase than do investment-home buyers. Vacation-home buyers raely rent out their vacation homes to others. Investment buyers are typically younger and more affluent than vacation-home purchasers. Investment-home buyers often seek properties in a location that is relatively close to their primary residence and typically do not use their second homes personally. Regardless of whether their second-home purchase was a vacation or an investment home, nearly all second-home buyers consider these properties to be good investments.
Profile of Second Home Buyer Profile of Second Home Buyer Profile of Second Home Buyer Profile of Second Home Buyer Profile of Second Home Buyer Profile of Second Home Buyer Profile of Second Home Buyer Profile of Second Home Buyer Profile of Secon Home Buyer

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

National Real Estate Investment Club

National Real Estate Investment Club

We have designed the perfect Real Estate Investment Club; one that is built by Real Estate Investors for Real Estate Investors.
  • No Meetings
  • No Boundries
  • No Dues/Fees/Zero Cost to You
  • No BS
"Once you are an insider, you will have access to the same pre-screened,
outstanding Pre-Constructionreal estate investment opportunities we do."

We have the advantage of numbers, industry networking & insider experience. As a group acting as one, a "band of brothers" we move into a project in the prelaunch "stealth Phase", by working with and many times co-developers in unique pre-construction projects with solids fundimentals. In a typical 5 phase project release our group will be in, out and counting our profits before anyone even knew we were there. That's what we like to call "Real Opportunity for Real Investors?"

If this sounds like something you would be interested in, contact us to discuss if it makes sense to work together. Call 407-876-5771 or Email
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