A little-known IRS provision lets you extend your real estate purchasing with tax-deferred dollars.
Are stock market woes preventing you from building wealth in your retirement account? If so, you might be interested in a small, but growing, trend amoung individual retirement account owners - investing their retirement funds in real estate.
How It works:
If the option of using tax-deferred funds to purchase property sounds appealing, you'll need to locate an independent IRA custodian that allows real estate investments and work with that company to set up an IRA account. Most banks and brokerage companies - the most common IRA account options - limit your choices to certificates of deposit, stocks, mutual funds, annuities, and similar financial instruments. But Section 408 of the internal Revenue Code permits individuals to purchase land, commercial property, condominiums, residential property, trust deeds, or real estate contracts with funds held in many forms of IRA's, including a traditional IRA, a Roth IRA, and a Simplified Employee Pension plan, or SEP-IRA.
To find out more click here>>> Real Estate IRA INFO