Monday, January 23, 2006

Florida PreConstruction Investment Homes - 100% Financing

Florida PreConstruction Investment Homes
with 100% Financing

  • Florida's Fastest Growing Markets
  • Low - No Down Payment
  • 10% Instant Equity
  • Buy at a Discount
  • Flexible Investor Terms
Florida is Expolding

Here is a way to Profit from it!

You will enjoy 10% instant equity from day one, in addition to appreciation gained during the construction build-out period of 10 to 12 months. and No additioanl cash is needed for closing and zero payments during construction.

At completion you can sell your home and harvest the built up equity - appreciation or rent it out for cash flow. For those who plan to sell, it can be marketed 3 months prior to completion.

Call 407-876-5771 for information or click on the links below:

100% Financing Investment Property No Money Down PreConstruction Florida New Home Investors

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Florida PreConstruction Homes - Only $5,000.00 Required

Florida PreConstruction Homes
Prices from the low $200's

Invest in Florida's Fastest Growing Markets
Low - No Down Payment - Only $5,000.00 cash required
10% instant equity - Buy at a Discount
Flexible Investor Terms

Florida's on Fire!
You can Profit from it...

Prices will range depending on your lot selection and the model home chosen to be built. The Complete package will consist of various costs: Lot, Home & Construction - Financing. The total price starts in the low $200K's with only minimal funds required ($5,000.00). You will enjoy 10% instant equity, in addition to the appreciation gained during the construction build-out period. No additional cash is needed for closing and zero payments during construction.

At completion (10 to 12 months), you call sell your home and harvest the built up equity - appreciation or rent it out. For those who plan to sell, it can be marketed 3 months prior to completion.

Act Quickly! There is limited availability of lots for this investor program.

It's that simple!


Thursday, January 05, 2006

2006 Economic Outlook - Real Estate Forcast

2006 Economic Outlook
A Stellar Market by any Measure

Source: 01/01/2006 - mag
by Robert Freedman

The United States economy has displayed a powerful resiliency over the last several years, with home sales hitting records and commercial activity reaching robust levels despite a steady stream of big shocks like hurricanes Katrina and Rita. The same resiliency will keep real estate activity strong in 2006, handing practitioners in all property sectors another year of outstanding business opportunity.

"The real estate boom is showing signs of tiring," says NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS Chief Economist David Lereah, "but because the fundamentals in our economy are so strong, what we're calling a slowdown is really a stellar market by any definition."

"The economy is stronger and more resilient than anyone had anticipated just a few years ago," says Riggs. "Our economy has weathered the most destructive storm ever, the tech bust, the terrorist attrack, wars abroad, and accounting scandals. Despite all that, the stage is set for healthy market growth, and real estate is a prime beneficiary of that."