Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Why Orlando Florida?

  • Orlando is one of the hotest housing markets in Florida, in fact it's not just hot it's scalding
  • Still 30% under valued when compared to other major city markets in the US
  • Orlando is the State of Floida's heart geographically & economically it pumps the lifeblood of tourism dollars into the rest of the state
  • World class convention services
  • Top ranked International Airport
  • Average hotel occupancy of around 80% for 2004
  • Average real estate appreciation rate of 19% for 2004, the short term rental vacation market is actually much higher
  • 40 to 55 million visitors each yaer
  • Top 10 ranked city for second homes
We call it the perfect storm for real estate investing
  1. Extreme value accross the board
  2. 40 year low on interest rates
  3. Florida has top growht & Appreciation rates
  4. Stock Market Instability
We have all suffered losses in the recent stock market meltdown. The new trent is to add real estate & diversification to our investnment portfollios.

IN CONCLUSION: There has never been a better time to participate in the Orlando short term vacation market. The tren is our friend & there's no future fighting it>

BuyVacationCondos.com is here to help guide and advise you along the way.

Call 407-876-5771 or email: info@buyvacationcondos.com