Sunday, February 19, 2006

Find Real Estate Equity Partners - Cash or Credit for PreConstruction Investors

Find Real Estate Equity Partners
Cash or Credit for PreConstruction Investors

Investing in PreConstruction Real Estate requires two main Ingredients:
  1. Ample Cash funds for reservation fees, down payments, closing costs and mortgage payments while marketing the property for the exit sale.
  2. Ample Credit to qualify for a mortgage loan. (a minimun credit FICO score of 700 is required to participate)
Fortunately, one can still participate in PreConstruction Investment Opportunities, even if they only possess Cash or Credit, but not both. No problem. One can partner-up to fulfill the missing piece of the success puzzle. The once the profits are actually realized they are split up accordingly. This is a win-win propersition for both the novice and seasoned professional investor. This type of arrangement is quite logical for someone looking for above average returns on their investment dollars, levering or limiting their risk exposure.

How does this work? For example, let's say a deal requires $20,000 in reservation fees, deposits, miscellaneous expenses and a loan. Investor #1 puts up $20,000 and Investor #2 gets the mortgage loan using their credit. Then once the investment property is sold, the net profits are split accordingly to the agreement made.

For those individuals seeking partners simply contact us to explore their options.
BuyVacationCondos - LANDDepo call 407-876-5771 or email

Find Real Estate Equity Partners PreConstruction Investment Properties PreConstruction Investment Homes