Many real estate aficionados worried that the ending of the homebuyer tax credits would mean an end to sales. However, a new real estate survey, conducted April, 2010, says homeowners with a home for sale in Orlando and throughout the nation have more chances to sell their homes.
Survey Group
• 1,000 American consumers
• Ages 25 – 64
• $35,000 + household income
Survey Results
• Over 90% of American consumers think the homebuyer tax credit program helped the real estate industry and first-time buyers.
• 65% actually looking for a home don’t consider the end of the tax credit program to be a factor in their own decisions.
• 46% expect area real estate prices to increase over the next year.
• 12% expect area real estate prices to decline over the next year.
• 79% expect to see an increase in prices over the next five years.
• 20% expect prices to rise significantly over the next five years.
• 75% of renters think renting isn’t as good a long-term choice as owning a home.
How you can Benefit
As the survey shows, there are still plenty of interested buyers out there. You just have to know where to find them.
Talk with your agent about which markets are hot in your area. For instance, have older individuals been buying in the area more than young families or vice versa? Maybe energy efficient homes have been selling better. Find out what your home for sale in Orlando has going for it that matches those hot markets.
Most importantly, don’t give up. Buyers are out there and consumer confidence is rising, which means nothing but good things for the real estate market and your home for sale in Orlando.
Want to work with an agent who can identify and target hot markets for your home? Call me today at 407-876-5771 for more information.