Thursday, September 28, 2006

SW Florida PreConstruction Duplex Investment Home

SW Florida PreConstruction
Duplex Investment Home

Affordable Housing Duplex Investment

Although the affordable housing problem is significant, it also creates an excellent investment opportunity to enter the market during the front end of an affordable housing growth cycle. Over the last few years, many investors have made significant returns in the market by investing in up-scale housing. today, up-scale housing has reached a temporary saturation point as current demand. On the other hand, the demand for affordable housing is far greater than the supply, and creates a new opportunity to invest in one of the hottest real estate markets in the United States.

Our group has created a business model that helps address the sffordable housing issue while also providing a significant investment opportunity qualified investors. Duplexes are tow units, each approximately 1050 square feet with each unit having 2 bedrooms, den, 2 bathrooms and a 1-car garage. Currently the all in cost includes the land, building, and site inprovements, closing cost and interest during construction. The current market price of the duplex today is around $320,000, thus providing the investor with built in profit before construction begins. Upon completion of the deplex the investor could;
  1. Sell the deplex and realize the short term gain or
  2. Keep the duplex and rent it for the one year period following construction, thus qualifing for capital gains. Currently market rental rates on duplexes are $900 - $1,100 per side per month $1,800 - $2,200 in total per month.
Florida PreConstruction Duplex Investment Duplex Investment Cost - Payment - Profit Scenarios Affordable Housing Investment

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Florida Ranks First Place for Population - Jobs - Tourism

Florida has it all... The Triple Crown
Population Growth - Job Growth - Tourism Growth

  1. Population Growth: Florida is #1 - largest net migration in the country for the past year 262,000 residents.
  2. Job Growth: Florida is #1 - Florida has led the nation in job creation for 43 straight months! In fact, More than one third of all jobs created in the United States in the last five years have been created in Florida.
  3. Tourism Magnet: Florida is #1, Vacation Destination and Second Home location.
"We are in the Midst of a Massive Migration
from the Northeast & Mid-West to the South"

2005 based on surveys and pools conducted by Harris and data collected by Relocation researchers

Florida ranks first for Growth in Population, Jobs & Tourism Florida Investment Homes PreConstruction Investment Property

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Affordable Housing Shortage : Housing Affordability : Affordable Housing Crisis

Fannie Mae's Raines Warns of
Affordable Housing Shortgage

He calls for housing Affordability Action Plan

RISMEDIA, Jan. 20--America could face a critical shotage of affordable housing in this decade or a potential housing crisis without concerted action to ensure that the supply of housing keeps up with expected strong growth in demand, acording to Franklin D. Raines, Chairman and CEO of Fannie Mae.

...a widing gap between housing "haves" and "have nots" that would lead to a housing affordability "crunch."

...Raines said that the supply of affordable housing is not increasing sufficiently to meet the growing demand...

Affordable Housing Shortage Affordable Florida Investment Homes PreConstruction Investment Property

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Land, Lot & Home-site Investment Strategy

Land, Lot & Home-site Investment Strategy
5 Keys to your Investing Success

Real estate offers enormous potential for those who are willing to take risks. Sure, CD ladders , Stocks and Bond Mutual Funds may be safer, but thay don't offer the potential for a gigantic return on investment. It is well known that real estate is how the majority of America's truly rich have made their fortunes. A little known, wealth building real estate strategy that can truly make you wealthy is investing in pre-development phases. This type of plan will not only produce higher profits, but also enjoys minimal risk when compared to traditional investing. The pre-development strategy can be super-charged by taking advantage of the currant "Baby Boomer" phenomenon and pre-construction discount pricing.


Monday, July 17, 2006

Second-Home Living in the NC Mountains - Mountain Magic in Western North Carolina

Second Home Living in Jackson County
Mountain magic in Western North Carolina
By Brian MacCallen - Golf Magazine

Whers do folks in the lowlands of the South and the overheated of the East and Miswest go when they want to cool off in summer? Directly to Western North Carolina, where many of the peaks in the Blue Ridge Mountains of the Appalachian Range rise to 6,000 feet and shelter an amazing variety of flora and fauna. Here the climate is benign, the pace easygoing, the senic byways rarely crowed.

For the full article click here: > Second Home North Carolina Mountains

Monday, May 15, 2006

2006 NAR Profile of Second, Vacation & Investment Home Buyer

Second-Home Owner Survey
Shows Solid Market, Appetite for More

A new survey of second-home owners by the National Association of Realtors shows boomers continue to dominate the market, and a growing number of second homes - more than one in ten are owned by minorities. a surprising majority of respondents own properties in addition to their primary residence...

35 percent of all investment-home owners said they were planning to buy another home within two years. For those who currently own four or more investment units, 64 percent said they planned to buy another property within two years, and 17 percent said they planned to purchase five or more additional properties...

2006 Second, Vacation, & Investment Home Buyer profile PreConstruction Investment Properties Vacation Properties

Saturday, May 06, 2006

About Wilmington NC, Golf, Dining, Art & Culture

About Wilmington North Carolina
Golf, Dining, Art & Culture

Whether you're a beachcomber, golfer, shopper or history buff, the Wilmington, NC area is the ideal travel or relocaton destination. Located midway between Ney Your City and Miami, the Cape Fear Coast, extends from Wrightsville Beach to Southport, NC. Nestled along the banks of the Cape Fear River, the historic port city of Wilmington offers the unique appeal od thoroughly modern amenities steeped in the charm of a bygone era.

About Wilmington, North Carolina Coastal Carolin Investment Properties Land Investment property

Cape Fear Real Estate Market Equals Solid Investment

Cape Fear Real Estate Market Equals Solid Investment
2005-06 Cape Fear Relocation Guide

In these tumultuous times, many people have decided to put their money in tangible investments, and in the Cape Fear area, the best bet in investments has been and continues to be real estate. With more people and industry realizing what a beautiful place the Calorina coast is and the throngs of college students who flock to the area schools each semester, the supply and demand om real estate has sent prices soaring, and the trend does not look to be slowing down. Savvy investors see the opportunity to invest in real estate in the form of rental homes, spec homes, land holdings, pre-construction purchases and buying distressed properties, repairing them, and selling them for a profit.

Cape Fear Real Estate Market Coastal Carolina Investment Properties Land Investment Properties

Wilmington, NC Area Economic Housing Market Outlook

Area Economic Outlook "stellar"
Housing market, Full Employment amoung Highs for Southern N.C.

"Housing bubble? Not here. Unemployment? Not a Problem. Ray Owens, a Fed economist, addressed business and political leaders Thursday at the annual economic sponsered by RSM McGladrey, The Greater Wilmington Chamber of Commerce and the Committee of 100. The senior economist with the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond recapped 2005 and laid out the economic picture for 2006 before a full house. Owens told the invitation-only crowd that "2006 looks stellar."

Thursday, March 02, 2006

New Website: - PreConsrtuction Investment Homes -

New Website Launched
PreConstruction Investment Homes . com

PreConstruction Investment Homes is currently offering on e of the most exciting real estate investment opportunities available. Where else can you get into a real estate investment opportunity in the hottest markets anywhere, with 10% instant equity, then another 12-months of further appreciation, and at 100% financing for only $5,675 out of pocket? It sosen't get any better...

New Construction homes are needed at affordable prices to meet the enormous pent up population demands. You will have at least 10% instant equity even before construction begins on your home. Then another 10 to 12 months of appreciation for further equity gains during the build out phase. No mortgage payments are required during the construction period and ony $5,575 out of pocket.

The earlier you invest the lower the prices and the larger the profits. Demand for preconstruction investment homes is huge and expanding. A lot of market research and preparation has taken place behind the scenes to perfect this turn-key investor program. All the resources are in place fpr you to benefit from leverage and maximize profits on your investment dollars.

Preconstruction Investment Homes is a leading onine provider of pre-construction real estate including investment home sales, properties for sale, new builder houses and property investments in and near Tampa Florida, Central FL and Southwest Fla.

Call 407-876-5771 email info@PreConstructionInvestmentHomes

PreConstruction Investment Homes Florida PreConstruction Investments PreConstruction Investing

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Find Real Estate Equity Partners - Cash or Credit for PreConstruction Investors

Find Real Estate Equity Partners
Cash or Credit for PreConstruction Investors

Investing in PreConstruction Real Estate requires two main Ingredients:
  1. Ample Cash funds for reservation fees, down payments, closing costs and mortgage payments while marketing the property for the exit sale.
  2. Ample Credit to qualify for a mortgage loan. (a minimun credit FICO score of 700 is required to participate)
Fortunately, one can still participate in PreConstruction Investment Opportunities, even if they only possess Cash or Credit, but not both. No problem. One can partner-up to fulfill the missing piece of the success puzzle. The once the profits are actually realized they are split up accordingly. This is a win-win propersition for both the novice and seasoned professional investor. This type of arrangement is quite logical for someone looking for above average returns on their investment dollars, levering or limiting their risk exposure.

How does this work? For example, let's say a deal requires $20,000 in reservation fees, deposits, miscellaneous expenses and a loan. Investor #1 puts up $20,000 and Investor #2 gets the mortgage loan using their credit. Then once the investment property is sold, the net profits are split accordingly to the agreement made.

For those individuals seeking partners simply contact us to explore their options.
BuyVacationCondos - LANDDepo call 407-876-5771 or email

Find Real Estate Equity Partners PreConstruction Investment Properties PreConstruction Investment Homes

Monday, January 23, 2006

Florida PreConstruction Investment Homes - 100% Financing

Florida PreConstruction Investment Homes
with 100% Financing

  • Florida's Fastest Growing Markets
  • Low - No Down Payment
  • 10% Instant Equity
  • Buy at a Discount
  • Flexible Investor Terms
Florida is Expolding

Here is a way to Profit from it!

You will enjoy 10% instant equity from day one, in addition to appreciation gained during the construction build-out period of 10 to 12 months. and No additioanl cash is needed for closing and zero payments during construction.

At completion you can sell your home and harvest the built up equity - appreciation or rent it out for cash flow. For those who plan to sell, it can be marketed 3 months prior to completion.

Call 407-876-5771 for information or click on the links below:

100% Financing Investment Property No Money Down PreConstruction Florida New Home Investors

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Florida PreConstruction Homes - Only $5,000.00 Required

Florida PreConstruction Homes
Prices from the low $200's

Invest in Florida's Fastest Growing Markets
Low - No Down Payment - Only $5,000.00 cash required
10% instant equity - Buy at a Discount
Flexible Investor Terms

Florida's on Fire!
You can Profit from it...

Prices will range depending on your lot selection and the model home chosen to be built. The Complete package will consist of various costs: Lot, Home & Construction - Financing. The total price starts in the low $200K's with only minimal funds required ($5,000.00). You will enjoy 10% instant equity, in addition to the appreciation gained during the construction build-out period. No additional cash is needed for closing and zero payments during construction.

At completion (10 to 12 months), you call sell your home and harvest the built up equity - appreciation or rent it out. For those who plan to sell, it can be marketed 3 months prior to completion.

Act Quickly! There is limited availability of lots for this investor program.

It's that simple!


Thursday, January 05, 2006

2006 Economic Outlook - Real Estate Forcast

2006 Economic Outlook
A Stellar Market by any Measure

Source: 01/01/2006 - mag
by Robert Freedman

The United States economy has displayed a powerful resiliency over the last several years, with home sales hitting records and commercial activity reaching robust levels despite a steady stream of big shocks like hurricanes Katrina and Rita. The same resiliency will keep real estate activity strong in 2006, handing practitioners in all property sectors another year of outstanding business opportunity.

"The real estate boom is showing signs of tiring," says NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS Chief Economist David Lereah, "but because the fundamentals in our economy are so strong, what we're calling a slowdown is really a stellar market by any definition."

"The economy is stronger and more resilient than anyone had anticipated just a few years ago," says Riggs. "Our economy has weathered the most destructive storm ever, the tech bust, the terrorist attrack, wars abroad, and accounting scandals. Despite all that, the stage is set for healthy market growth, and real estate is a prime beneficiary of that."