Monday, March 08, 2010

Orlando Home for Sale Wins Academy Award!

Okay, it never happened; when the Academy Awards were handed out, obviously, none went to an Orlando home for sale – but the Academy Awards are still relevant. Bear with me a moment.

When someone wins an Academy Award, don’t we expect more from him or her in the future? Why? Because the Award defines their abilities in some way, and here is where they’re relevant to your Orlando home for sale. Just like the Awards, our homes seem to define us in some strange way.

Think about it. When you see a large home with manicured lawns, lighted pathways and a pool, don’t you automatically assume the owners have money? They’ve won the “dream home” award.

Likewise, if you see a home with a scraggly lawn and a bad paint job, you may assume the opposite. In other words, it doesn’t automatically occur to us that the people with the manicured home may just be good at money management or that the owners of the scraggly lawn home may make plenty of money but not manage it well.

We, as human beings, are good at judging a book by its cover. We assume certain things based on what we see, not reality. So what does the home you’re selling say about you? What will it say about the buyer? Would it win the dream home award?

Looking At Your Home with New Eyes
When preparing your home to sell, it's important to look at the home you’ve lived in for years with new eyes. Because you’re used to the cracks in the sidewalk, peeling paint or missing shingles, you probably don't even notice it any more.

Potential buyers, however, are looking for Academy Award winners. Little things, such as unwashed windows, really can make all the difference. Trees with dead branches, lawns that haven’t been mowed, numbers falling off of mailboxes – all of these things may seem small, but they can quickly lose a sale.

Buyers see the outside of an Orlando home for sale and have certain expectations of what the inside will look like. If the inside and outside don’t match, you have work to do. Don’t let the home you’re selling wallow on the market. If it’s been sitting on the selling block for months without a peep, it’s time to see what you can do about turning it into a dream home award winner!

If you’re ready to sell your home, we can help. Call us at 407-876-5771 for more information.

Does Your Orlando Real Estate Team Know What They’re Doing?

If you’re thinking of buying Orlando real estate, now is the time to take advantage of this buyer's market.

Back in the “good old days,” (a few years ago) it was easier to qualify for a loan, with one-page loan applications, stated incomes and “no doc” (no documentation, meaning nothing had to be proven) loans. There were amazing loan programs, like 125% loan on the purchase price with no down payment.

Now, buying Orlando real estate is more burdensome. No more “no doc” loans; lenders want every piece of documentation you can come up with. So then, why is it the best time to buy? And what does this have to do with your real estate team?

Although the current loan situation isn't ideal, it’s worth the effort to find a home you can afford. Here are two reasons:

First time homebuyers tax credit – this is a big one. If you can get into escrow by April 30 and close by the end of June, you can qualify for the $8,000 ($6,500 for existing homeowners) federal incentive.

• Mortgage rates – It might be hard to get a loan, but it isn’t hard to get a loan with low interest rates. Unbelievably, many are still waiting, hoping the mortgage rates will go down further. Stop waiting for that to happen. It's not going to be long before they’ll be going back up – not down.

This doesn’t include the incredibly low prices for many homes, as well as the huge housing supply. "Slim pickings" doesn’t apply to our current housing market.

With all these incredible opportunities, it makes sense that your team – the people who represent you – knows what they’re doing. In this day and age, your dream team doesn’t just need knowledge; they need experience.

At a minimum, your dream team should consist of:
• Your real estate agent who needs to be able to guide you to the best housing opportunity available for your area.

• Your lender (who is actually supposed to be helping you) who should be able to build a loan package that fits your specific needs and budget. As well, that loan package must stay within the lender’s guidelines to make sure your loan application is successful.

The more you know – and the more your team knows - the better the chance you have of buying the home of your dreams, at a price you can afford, with a low interest rate, before the April 30 deadline. By July, you could be sitting pretty with your own piece of Orlando real estate and a cool $8,000 in your bank account!

Putting together your dream team? I'd be honored to have the chance to interview for the position of your knowledgeable, experienced real estate agent. Call me at 407-876-5771 today.